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If people do not agree Guards red and blue is not going to close the hand,louis vuitton, and the red and blue Guards will always Sike in the end! Guards tough attitude for the Ministry of Culture is a burst of headache, the Ministry of Culture to know the meaning of these are Han, Han did not dare touch the Ministry of Culture also untouchables so only an idiot to put pressure on the red and blue! Continue to put pressure on the Ministry of Culture and the title as a punishment under the red and blue have also had to yield, and several red and blue lead boycott SNSD first in posting up these days for their own acts apology and assurance that he would not SNSD performed on abusive or boycott, someone to take the lead after the red and blue who have also come out to apologize.

And some girl Taeyeon also trigger a clarisonic brush series of events with a few stand out SONE apologize for their actions made a review!louis vuitton australia, The Black Sea is also red and blue and SONE come to an end under mutual apologies, but everyone knows who is actually red and blue lost and lost badly, but for the involvement of Han and Guards red and blue can Crimping SONE play, but a form of intervention Guards immediately shifted, although there SONE help but everyone knows is actually Guards in to an enemy.

The showdown came to an end and the red and blue,louis vuitton handbags, the Praetorian Guard and SONE here has come up with a big move to attract a full Korean fans in Korea and Asia's attention. After a moment of deliberation Guards and SONE announced two fan group will jointly set up a website can be a total of two fans better communication, but also save the original fan site use. The new website jointly managed by the two SNSD fans when the registration screen name to be added to the name (powder), Guards are plus (gold) to this distinction.


