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When out of the crowd, when ye stars have systemic blood, the huge raindrops beat down, beaten face aching, nike free but may not care, crazy in general toward home, do not know the cause of heavy rains, several consecutive good empty streets are populated, with only occasional passing car, splashes bursts of spray, leaves and stars directly rushed back home, did not even have time to open the door, broke into the house directly, they see the whole body wet ice recumbent on the sofa, looking at his pale.

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Nothing, but nothing lobe, Ice 's not afraid to send you to the hospital right away, you will be fine, certainly not saying we should pick up the...... ye stars Ice, Ice but was blocked. Her poisonous lily on toxicity has hearts and minds, to no avail, stars his brother, nike free run 2 cold, hold nike free run 2 okay ? Ice sounds increasingly frail. Ice...... ye stars screaming mouth, but it is in accordance with the requirements of Ice hold her in the arms, gently cradled in the arms, lips on Ice face constantly rubbed hearts are like a knife, like a knife knife across his own meat, all this myself, but for myself, how could this ice ?

